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10 ways by which world can end in next 100 years

This is actually an interesting topic. From some shitty websites to environment scientist, there are more than few believable arguments which are about how our world will end in next 100 years. Besides this when u are talking with some *** person at this time you also have that end of the world feeling. So let’s see some possible way of destruction of the world in next 100 years.

A.I (Artificial Intelligence):

If you have ever seen movies like ‘ The Terminator Series,' ‘ The Matrix series,' ‘ I-Robot’ etc. then u know that A.I could possible end the world one day. This Robots with Intelligent or ability to learn things could be either self-aware or become so smart that they decide humans are a threat.

Don’t think you think so? OK, no problem. But Stephan Hawking warns that A.I could and humanity if it becomes so smart. This renowned scientist says the danger is not from terminator like A.I but danger if from A.I which can make other better A.I. like it. And there will be no place of humans among them.

Black Holes:

We can’t see the black holes, but there are out there. Black holes are an area of high gravitational force in the universe in which pull is so strong that even light can’t escape from it.

Scientists aren’t 100% sure about how black hole would destroy the world, but it would be bad. A Black hole can alter the gravity and orbit of the planets. Not done there, it also can send lots of comets and debris into earth’s path. If u survived this, then the ever increasing gravitational pull would alter the landscape and destroy the earth.

"Wow! It is sound like the quick end of the world is out of the question."

Geomagnetic Reversal:

This one is potential world-ender but not as bad as the movies make it out be. You see geomagnetic reversal refers to the swapping of polar North and South. If you are a compass maker, a migratory birch such a swap could potentially have consequences.

However, it is unlikely that the earth will stop spinning and the ground will rip open up as a result. That said, the earth’s gravitational field provides with protection against things like solar flares and radiation from out the sun.


Any drastic change in the field could make us more vulnerable if it happens at just the wrong time.


At least once a year the cable news giants dedicate a lot of air time to latest flu or disease that is going to wipe us out. Thankfully, every year the threat is shown to be overblown or is solved by efforts to quarantine and develop vaccines.

Nonetheless, with a population of the world of over 7 billion and climbing combine with ever-increasing speeds of travel.

During Spanish Flue

There are some who think it’s just a matter of time until a big virus or bacteria strain comes along which can’t be contained. Not zombie apocalypse guys!!!

Volcanic Eruption:

Every now and then a volcano somewhere erupts. Spewing magma and smoke and ash these eruptions affect air travel and can also cause global cooling, depending on how much ash they shoot into the atmosphere.

A super volcano makes a regular eruption look like a campfire. Around the world, there are several super volcano locations with Yellowstone being one of the most famous.
Yellow stone volcano (largest super volcano)

An eruption would be devastating- wiping out everything within hundreds of kilometers and blanketing continents in ash. If it happens then the planet will cool, crops would die, and all life would eventually die off.

Climate Change:

Despite the fact that a lot of people are still somehow skeptical of the whole climate change debate, quite a few scientists are convinced it is a very real state of threat that could end humanity by the end of this century.

Some believe that the damage is already done and moves to cut carbon emissions are little too late. With the global temperature set to rise 2 degrees, water levels will rise at least a meter. This will displace millions of people lead to crop failure and food and water shortages. In short, we will be unable to sustain ourselves.

Biological Engineering:

In the name of scientific advancement, we biologically engineer and genetically modify all sorts of things to improve them. From playing around with viruses to genetically enhancing corn to dabbling with human biological development.

Science can be a powerful tool. However, there are warning that messing around too much could weaken people, create some form of super virus or leave our food vulnerable to pests and disease. All of these could contribute to the end of us.

Asteroid Impact:

The threat of asteroid impact scares a lot of people and with good reasons. Many years ago the dinosaurs were wiped out by a wide asteroid.

Disturbingly, Researchers say something just 1 km in size would be enough to fill our atmosphere with light-blocking dust, leading to crop failure and starvation. Like other world ending events, this one is rare but very real.

Solar Eruption:

Our sun is basically a large nuclear reactor, and while it provides us with life, it is still potentially dangerous. No guys it is not about sunburns and skin cancer.

In this case, it is something called coronal mass ejection which occurs when large clouds of the particle are ejected from the sun into space. It happens all the time, but the odds of the striking Earth are relatively slim. Don’t just feel too safe (read ahead), in 2012 a blast left the sun and passed a spot the earth had been in just days before.

Solar Eruption in 2012
Experts say if we are ever hit head on, anything tied to the electrical network would be fried beyond repair.

Nuclear War:

For the last 70 years, mankind has lived under varying threat levels associated with nuclear war. Today, with the ever increasing tensions, experts say we are edging back to a potential nuclear exchange.

Which needless to say would be kind of bad for us.
In a case where world power opted to use their full arsenals the world’s population would be devastated. For survivors, experts say that the months and years following would be terrible. As temperature increased, crops failed, diseases spread and people starved.

10 ways by which world can end in next 100 years 10 ways by which world can end in next 100 years Reviewed by Crazy Kartoos on November 22, 2016 Rating: 5

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