In the design of any kind of computer selection of equipment is a significant step. There are different ways to choose a suitable material for a device. “WEIGHTED POINT” is one of these methods. This process consists four stages which are as follow.
1) First, of a complete analysis of application takes place. Then required properties of material are listed depends on this analysis.
2) Now, different required properties like endurance strength, tensile strength, elasticity, etc. can be assigned values.
3) In this step, this listed properties are divided into two types. First is GO-NO-GO parameter and second is discriminating parameters. GO-NO-GO parameters are constraints. Depends on this parameters types of material is decided. But if there is no availability of content or material 's hard to fabricate then, in this case, it will be rejected, and only required parameters are considered.
4) Discriminating parameters can be assigned values. These values are arranged depends on their weight. They are arranged in order of 1 to 5. For example, in the case of connecting rod endurance strength is given number 5 and cost is given number 1. Here in weight point method, #1 means weak weight and #5 means a high priority.
When these properties are arranged in this order then it is multiplied by a weighting factor of each property than a list of desired properties is made and from this properties, we can decide the type of material which can be used for our application.
The drawback of this method is that it doesn’t give the accurate result, but it can provide an idea about choosing material for a machine for precise application.
Weighted Point Method For Selection Of Material
Reviewed by Crazy Kartoos
July 30, 2016
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