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Ten Guaranteed Steps That Will Make You a Topper in Any Exam.

TEN Guaranteed Steps That Will Make You A Topper

Topping in any exam isn’t actually hard, the truth is, you would like to top, you have entertained the idea, but you don’t seriously want to & that’s why you haven’t. Let’s hear the 10 reasons WHY!


        I am sorry. Most student live in the illusion that they will just start studying a few weeks before exams and score the desired marks.

        When the time comes and you sit to study. You hate it, can’t find any interest in it, crib about not finding any focus, start thinking about girls, then hate yourself for thinking about girls, hate your friends who are studying, talk to the ones who always score well, and then worry because they are way too ahead of you, invite stress because the course or syllabus is too large to cover.

        You know why all of this shit happens, because studying doesn’t just happen. It’s a habit & habits are built over time. Instead of building the habit of studying when you change your routine & demand from your brain to focus on studies, its get confused. You wonder, why am I thinking about girls when I want to study? Because you’ve been thinking about girls daily.

          That’s a habit you’ve build over a long period of time which won’t disappear on demand. That’s not how the brain works. It simply does as trained. Those who say the study for one and score well are bullshitting you.

          There are no tricks, schemes, mind games but the simple truth of life everything comes from hard work.

          Let’s be honest here, nobody is born with a natural inclination to study. What you want to do is play games, have fun with our friends, get loads of girlfriends, look incredibly good and have women dying for us, show off to everybody, become famous in school or college, have rolls of cash lying around, get cars, drinks all day, and possibly date hot chicks. At this age, that’s how guys think. We are dumb as cattle.

          Yes, I agree that there is the 1% student population obsessed with studies, but I am talking in general. My point is you do what your inclinations are. If you are interested in porn stars. You will have hard discs filled with pron. OF you are interested in fun you will drink, eat with your buddies; and if you are interested in girls , you will be sending random friend requests, chatting withy strangers, checking out their pictures, spending night and day on such adventures. If you want to top, then that will have to become your inclination.


          Why does this world quantitatively have such a large amount of average students? Because they are all dumb? “NO!”

          According to me, most people are dumb because they choose to remain dumb. Its not an affliction. You have to understand, to get better in anything, the one and only thing you need to do is practice. Practice in itself includes hard work. And its not that you aren’t practicing.  Oh Yes, You Are, but they are all stupid, useless things. Why?

          Because you haven’t consciously choose anything in your life yet. You’re chasing girls because you’re a sexual being. Sadly falling in love and craving sex are just hormones screwing with your mind. More than hold of your other interests are tied with social anxiety, approval and hard instinct – to be part of a group, this is why you chill when you don’t want to, try cigarette’s and tolerate people in your group that you hate. And lastly, there is the want to be recognized, appreciated to be a social hero, which you are going to translate as “Being Cool”. All of this might sound a little boring to you. But you know why I am telling you this. It’s because none of this that you are doing are chosen by you. Every guy at this age does the same shit, goes through all these phase, gets his heart broken and then emerges confused in life.

          Why do you think older guy or men always say, “son, at your age, we used to do the same shit “.they actually have. They are not saying it to be cool in front of you, they are stating  a fact. Being cool in reality is actually being like everybody else. Sadly, there is nothing cool about being cool because everybody has already fucked their lives trying to be cool. But youre in luck because none  those guys had someone like me explaining this shit in the manner i am explaining it to you right now. So, listen to carefully, whatever you are doing which you may think is unique and cool, it isn’t. All your current interests aren’t choosen by you, at creative. So, mae a conscious choice. Choose study as an interest. All the really cool people, the geniuses those who are immortal, they all made this choice. So, I am just saying…


          The problem with most of you is not that you don’t plan or want to study, but whenever you decide, at the last moment, you do something else. In simple terms, you have too many distractions around you in form of people. You’re about to study, but some friends comes to your place and then you spend hours chatting with him. Youre studding but you receive texts in groups, from friends, you get tagged online. You’re involved in all sorts of bullshits. You’re hearing too many stories everyday stories about girls, stories about fight, about some cool guys you wanna be like, about what he did and what that guy did, and this guy !

          The funny part is, you don’t even think about it. They are my friends , they will never qualify as time waste. There problems are my problems. We are bros !

  Why do you think people who actually crack the IIT’s & IIM’s shut themselves in a room, Only interact with those with similar pursuits, and aren’t really active on social media. Because one word, “PRIORITIES” and In thousand of years to come, this will remain unchanged. Priorities is what lead a man to glory and similarly to destruction. If girls, porns, gaming, chilling and fun with friends are your priorities. You will most probably meet the latter.


It’s no mystery. You have filled your life with losers. You’re getting affected by anything happening around you. So, I need to tell you this, Your parents are right on this one thing . You need to plan.

In order for planning to happen it requires isolation, research, self questioning, self estimation, recognition of the goals, period of time, Scheduling routine building, time wasted, scanning the sources of time wastage, capacity to work and the work to be done.

All these things are automatically figured out by simply sitting down and planning. I hope you better start doing it as soon as possible.


We all want the best for ourselves. But the best often has two different definitions. Best for you and Best for your life.

At a given time, many things can be best of you, but not best for your life.

For example:- I have a friend who is a womanizer, he goes from one girl to another, as a result, wasting a lot of time. To him, it was
It was the best thing – dating all these hot girls. As years passed, he found that he had ruined his career. He was nowhere close to the position he had envisioned, got severely depressed, the girls left him for better guys. And now he is single and broke. Another example is, all those guys who talks to their exes to feel better. Because talking to that person helps them with their depression or heartache, doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for their life, it’s the opposite. But because it actually helps, it becomes the best thing for them in the moment. Let’s apply this on you, you actually know the best things for your life. You already have colleges planned in your mind the percentage in high school, 12th or college, Your GPA in college, companies you wanna get into. At any stage, you know what the best thing for your life is, But you constantly sabotage it, destroy it for things that are best for you in the moment. How do Know that? Well that brings me to point 7.


Tell me, what did you learn when you couldn’t get into the colleges you had chosen or couldn’t score well in the exam? Nothing, you compromised and started doing the same things again. Made Big goals, and engaged in  things that make you happy in the moment girls, friends , gaming, movies, tv shows, chilling and I am tired of repeating the list start learning from your mistakes instead of lowering your standards.

In any educational system, we have exams, tests, reports and assessments of our performance several times a year, which clearly tell us if we are meeting our expectations or not. Now let me tell you this; Your expectations are the most accurate and credible assessment of your abilities done by your mind. So you underperform, instead of accepting the results as your standards, learn what the mistakes were, where you lacked, what you need to focus on.


You just accepted it the moment you were put into the category of average students by your teacher or some authority. You didn’t have a problem with that term – average. It didn’t ignite a fire in your chest. The problem is that most of you have accepted you are an average student and on a usual basis, that’s how you refer to yourself.

Explain this to me; How can you be a topper if you have already accepted you are mediocre. When you make this admission; you simply erase the possibility that you can score the highest or even among the highest; you look for average collages and institutions, you set your bar down, and starts aiming low; look for average firms, accept yourself as a middle class earner, aim for middle class luxuries. Now understand this, with a single categorization done by a fucking stranger that you accepted as gospel truth about your reality, you changed your entire life! Just because  your teacher, your parents or some fucking stranger thought you were average, so you accepted that label..! REJECT THEM… Fuck them. They don’t get to decide who you are, or what you can do. Put yourself on the top, that’s where you belong when you approach the world with this mindset, you take on the challenges and not compromise or lower your standards like a loser.


You fool yourself thinking you are a creative genius or street smart because there are just too many articles calling idiots who wastes time in doing stupid, pranks, fun, drinking, giving shit to their teachers and professors smart in different ways. I am sorry, here’s the truth because clearly nobody wants to tell you this, if you continue on this path, you’re going to fail in your life hard. And that nerd in your class you call a dumbass for always studying is going to get a great job, marry a hot chick, drive a great car and have a great life. I am sorry but these are the facts of life, not my interpretations. You can debate on this for as long as you want to but to know the reality, your parents are not going to frame it like this, so I am. Get your shit together as soon as -you can.

10.                      YOU ARE NOT MOTIVATED :-

You are not motivated. And in long term nobody can help you with that, this is the truth, you know why? Because its your lie we can tell you how and Why, but at the end of the day the decision is yours. Nobody is going to do shit on your behalf. The only people who truly care about you are your parents, nobody else gives a shit about you. Now, what you can do is get all riled up, study for 5-6 hours at a stretch and go back to your bullshit routine tomorrow. Or you can really apply with what the 10 steps are saying, the 10 steps/habits, the 10 do’s and don’ts and carefully plan ahead, change your life, build a routine, come up with your own ideas, stop latching on the others for help, 

become cautious about your life, cautious of whom you are inviting, dating, befriending, like I said in my first point. Its hard work, but brother if you want to be at the top, you will have to start doing what none of the others are doing. Ending this point, How do I get motivated daily? If you seek motivation, then look at the things you want to change and that alone should burn a fire in your heart.

Why the fuck am I living in this shitty house, I deserve better. I hate the clothes I am wearing or the amounts of clothes I own. I hate that I can’t afford a better faster internet connection, I hate that I am not able to eat whatever I want any day I wish. We are all living in limitations, those limitations should motivate the fuck out of you. You want to change your life?  How about step out side look at the world and question your insignificance in it? Are you satisfied? With your current state, the house you live in, your bank account, your car or whatever you drive, the cash in your pocket, your computer, cell phone everything? Are you satisfied, or do you want more , and better?? In these things you will find motivations.

Now, you will complain that you didn’t give us any tips or tricks to study? But seriously speaking, than you already know how to study. There is no magic involved plus you have already seen or learned or heard several tips or tricks on studying from your parents, teachers or your friend who is good at studies. Tell me how did it turn out! Follow these steps.  Follow these steps. How to study management already come under planning. And you are a master planner. You just never do as what you have planned for. You just never took care of all the shit that destroys your plans. It’s not enough to have vision. You have to take harsher steps to protect it and these steps are about it. I am sorry if I offended you but I have every single intention to shake you to the core. Have a great day, and have a great, rich life ! that’s more important.

Authour : Abrar Mutvalli
Edited : Ayaz Pothigara
Ten Guaranteed Steps That Will Make You a Topper in Any Exam. Ten Guaranteed Steps That Will Make You a Topper in Any Exam. Reviewed by Crazy Kartoos on November 16, 2016 Rating: 5

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