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Flow Of Fluid (Water) From Water Jug & Pressure Difference


water jug

Þ      Some general facts we should consider before answering this question:
1.       The water jug is completely full with water in the initial condition, and then water level decreases with time.
2.       The water jug is proper insulated and air tight to maintain a temperature of water in it.
3.       The third and most important fact is that water is fluid.

·        Every liquid( in this case water ) flow only and only when there is pressure difference, and it always flows from higher pressure area to lower pressure are. Now in the event of the water jug, there is a pressure difference between the inside of water jug and atmosphere. The pressure inside water jug is due to a weight of water, and outside pressure is atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure is less than inside water jug pressure, so water comes out when we open tap.

·        In the initial condition when the jar is completely full with water the pressure difference is highest. Here atmospheric pressure is almost constant but the pressure inside of water jug decreases with time due to the reduction in water level with respect to time, so pressure difference also decreases.

·        Flow of water coming out depends on this pressure difference. This flow increases if pressure difference increases and decreases when Pa-Pa decreases.When P (pressure inside water jug)=Pa (atmospheric pressure) occurs, then flow of water stops.

Ø Now answer our question

 Flow reduces because there is a reduction in pressure difference (this fact was established). When u slightly open lid of the water jug, u allow some air inside water jug. So now pressure inside water jug is now the combination of pressure due to water levels and air pressure/atmospheric pressure. So because of this pressure difference increased so as a flow of water. This is simple fact and very basic low of fluid mechanics.

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Flow Of Fluid (Water) From Water Jug & Pressure Difference Flow Of Fluid (Water) From Water Jug & Pressure Difference Reviewed by Crazy Kartoos on July 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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