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What Is Tolerance


In Design of any kind of machine, all parts have tolerance. Understanding is necessary because of inaccuracy of machining. There is not possible to manufacture any component to normal size, but there is always some variation.

All parts are designed between its maximum and minimum dimension value. These values are also called as upper limit and lower limit. Required or expected size is known as original size and difference between two limits (max. and min. value) is referred to as permissible tolerance. “Tolerance is defined as the permissible variation in the dimension of the component.” If one doesn’t provide essential understanding, then there will be difficulties during assembling.

There are two methods to determine this tolerance. First one is the unilateral way and second is the bilateral process.

1)      In the single approach, one tolerance is zero, and another one gives us the entire value of permissible tolerance. What we can write is like this 100+0.00-0.04 or 100+0.04-0.00. (In both methods min. value is taken as negative and max. value is considered positive). Here 100 represents significant size.

2)      In the bilateral method, tolerance is given in both directions from standard/necessary size. Here upper limit is the sum of the necessary size and active tolerance, and the lower limit is essential to size plus negative tolerance. For example 100+0.04-0.04.

What Is Tolerance What Is Tolerance Reviewed by Crazy Kartoos on July 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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